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Introducing MediViCo: Health Supplies and Services

Updated: May 28, 2020

InViCo Worldwide is built on a foundation of trust, whether it’s with our farmers, customers, or employees. Now more than ever, we’re working tirelessly to uphold our commitment.

Our team is comprised of experts, from quality assurance to supply chain, and logistics to supply chain. Despite our titles that we’ve all worked so hard for, first and foremost we are human, and we are compassionate. That’s why we couldn’t help but to take action against the global pandemic as we see the number of people, businesses, and industries being affected by the coronavirus increase each day.

The Call to Fight the Coronavirus

InViCo President Arnold Thorstad

InViCo President, Arnold Thorstad

The coronavirus is continuing to leave its mark on us. We learn to cope daily in the absence of our family and friends, as streets continue to be empty. Although businesses may be slowly opening in some locations, the impact is still felt and will be for a long time. As a global ingredient and supply company, we cannot just sit back, and watch history unfold.

InViCo has never been one to take a back seat. No, we’ve been the ones to take the wheel, the ones that could imagine the bigger picture and deliver on it. We don’t let life happen to us, rather we make proactive decisions to make life happen for us. Within our InViCo family, we encourage one another to do exactly that. To be the go-getter, to seize opportunities when they present themselves. As newscasts put up posters of overcrowded hospitals and desperate first responders, an opportunity for InViCo to do more good in the world presented itself.

Opportunity Called, InViCo Answered

Yes, it’s true that up until now InViCo Worldwide has operated within the food and beverage industry, but that’s not all we are capable of. InViCo Worldwide was founded with a mission to find unconventional and innovative methods to share with the world the best products and ingredients that are available from all corners of earth. With our many cumulative years of experience and the know-how to bring great products and unique supply chains to market, we saw a new opportunity to utilize our talents.

Our Promise Throughout the Coronavirus

Our medical community has been desperate for medical supplies for some time now. With the confirmed cases reaching unheard of heights, the need for reliable PPE equipment and medical supplies is ever more important.

That’s where we saw the perfect place to lend a helping hand. As we saw the climate and the state of the world shifting, we quickly put our skills and already well-established relationships as a transparent supply chain network to good use. Introducing MediViCo: A health solutions supplier, and the newest addition to the InViCo family of brands. We’re able to successfully and efficiently execute on government contracts because we’ve already been doing our homework for years. We have the infrastructure and relationships in place that ensure that all our products and services, from protective equipment supply to sanitizing to temperature taking services, are up to the highest standard.

Our ability to manufacture and distribute medical supplies worldwide is only a small step in the right direction. We still have a mountain to climb, but all the small steps add up. With that in mind, we have donated personal protective equipment to hospitals like Advocate Healthcare in Illinois, and are continuing to donate to other locations around the U.S. We see it as a small thank you for the all the sacrifices our medical community has made.

MediViCo team delivering donation to Advocate Healthcare

MediViCo team delivering donation to Advocate Healthcare

Advocate Healthcare worker wearing MediViCo supplied personal protective equipment

Advocate Healthcare worker wearing MediViCo supplied personal protective equipment

Our world is fragile at the moment, but just like we have before, we can and will come back from this better and stronger. We’ll continue to support our communities across the United States as much we can by scaling MediViCo each day. The coronavirus pandemic has ignited our passion to bring more good into the world to fire. In the face of adversity, we’ll continue to push towards a better tomorrow, and we’ll continue to innovate and dream big like we always do.


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